UX News

A look at what's going on in the field of user experience.

AI is undermining our privacy. What can we do about it?

, UX Collective - Medium

A look at the emerging implications of AI upon digital privacy and some guidelines we can adopt for working with it

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How do you accidentally run for President of Iceland?

, UX Collective - Medium

A fake confirmation modal asking users if they’re sure they want to run for president

A digital endorsement process gone wrongTo run for President of Iceland, you need to be an Icelandic citizen, at least 35 years old, and have 1,500 endorsements.

For the first time in Icelandic history, this endorsement process is digital. Instead of collecting all their signatures on paper the old-fashioned way, candidates can now send people to https://island.is/forsetaframbod to submit their endorsement.

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A glimpse into AI-generated TV

, UX Collective - Medium

I have seen the future and it is no better or worse than our mindless present

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Reasons to hate (and love) middle-aged users

, UX Collective - Medium

On usability challenges across different age groups. If you’re a middle-ager, please take everything in this article personally.

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How Long Are Typical Unmoderated UX Tasks?

, MeasuringU

feature image with laptop and hourglasses

A common logistical consideration when planning a task-based usability study is how much time you should plan for a task.

Many usability studies (especially benchmark studies) suffer from trying to do too many things. That includes asking participants to attempt too many tasks. It’s understandable why tasks get packed in—even low-cost usability testing takes time and money, so you want to make the most of the effort. This is especially the case when participants are difficult or expensive to recruit.

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The Case of the Missing Me

, UX Planet - Medium

Six months ago, as I explained better in my previous article, I started working as a Web Developer. To keep it short, I’m not a Web Developer. It took me a while, and a decision not made by me, to understand what this role was doing to me. Indeed, I learned a ton of things that are going to make me better at whatever I pursue from now on. I dedicated a lot of hours and space in my mind to make this opportunity work. Spoiler alert: It did not work out.

https://medium.com/media/a6afea3a656777ecb02d552aa4e8a2b0/hrefLuckily for the past few weeks, I’ve been reading The New Happy newsletter daily, and this has definitely helped me open my heart to the ugly truth. This path was not made for me, either by me. I don’t want to live according to someone else’s plan of who I am supposed to be or what I am supposed to learn.

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UX Design Challenge: Then and Now

, UX Planet - Medium

Five ways to instantly upgrade your designs

The upgraded designThe original design (Exhibit A)I recently stumbled across my attempt at this UX design challenge I completed nearly three years ago for a job application. The assignment was fairly straightforward: create an admin view to track employee points in a health challenge, with various employee data.

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Are you ready for UX in 2024?

, UX Planet - Medium

Debunk some myths floating around and provide a clear picture of what UX design in 2024 is truly about

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Gamification in EdTech

, UX Planet - Medium

Case study on 3 EdTech Apps — Duolingo, Drops, EpicIn an era where digital transformation is reshaping every aspect of our lives, the field of education is no exception. As I delve into “Gamification framework” by Yu-Kai Chou, a groundbreaking book that explores the application of game elements in non-game contexts, I’m captivated by its relevance to educational methodologies. Chou’s work, a testament to the innovative integration of game mechanics into learning environments, is a beacon for educators and developers alike. It illuminates the path toward creating engaging, effective, and enjoyable educational experiences. This exploration into gamification in education apps seeks to showcase how these principles can transform the learning journey, making it more interactive, rewarding, and, most importantly, effective. I will introduce three app examples below to elaborate on gamification in education.

1. Duolingo: A Paradigm of Learning Languages Through GamificationDuolingo is a prime example of the successful application of gamification in education. By turning language learning into a series of game-like challenges, Duolingo makes the process enjoyable and significantly enhances retention and motivation. Learners earn points for correct answers, race against the clock, and level up as they master new skills. This competitive edge, inspired by Chou’s game design principles, encourages consistent practice and engagement. The app’s design exemplifies how gamified learning can cater to diverse learning styles, providing immediate feedback and a sense of achievement that traditional educational methods often lack.

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UX and NPS Benchmarks of Banking Websites (2024)

, MeasuringU

feature image with atm

Online banking is ubiquitous. Banking websites and apps are an integral part of our financial lives.

They are no longer seen as merely nice-to-have features of a banking relationship. Consumers have come to expect the ability to do simple and complex banking transactions from their computers or phones. This digital transformation especially accelerated during the pandemic, when the number of in-person transactions steeply dropped.

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