UX News

A look at what's going on in the field of user experience.

How to Simplify a Massive Form With Over 100 Fields

, UX Movement

There are long forms, and then there are massive forms. A form with over a hundred fields is a different beast because you can’t divide them into pages and call it a day. Additional UX techniques are necessary to make the form faster and easier to complete. For instance, this loan application form contains 104 […]

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Using ChatGPT in Tree Testing: Experimental Results

, MeasuringU

Feature image with ChatGPT logomark and tree test structure illustration

Beyond speculation and hyperbole, we’ve been exploring how ChatGPT can be used in UX research.

In two earlier articles, we conducted analyses that suggested ChatGPT may have a role, given the right research context. In the first analysis, we found that ChatGPT-4 was able to assist researchers in sorting open-ended comments.

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An Overview of Survey Sampling Strategies

, MeasuringU

feature image of vats and ladles in an ancient greek kitchen with a modern survey dashboard

Unless you plan to survey every member of your target population, you’ll need to work with a sample.

But even in cases where you can survey everyone, you might not want to because of survey fatigue and costs. What’s more, most populations are fluid. There may be only a hundred users of a financial product this month, but what about new users who join next month or next year?

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Empowering the User Experience Through Microinteractions: 7 Best Practices

, UXmatters

By Syed Balkhi

Microinteractions are small, yet powerful interaction-design elements that can fundamentally shape how users interact with a digital product. They are critical components that can make a product more user friendly and engaging.

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Evolving the User Experience to Curb Digital Addiction

, UXmatters

By Nitin Kumar

Over the last decade, the ways in which we experience technology have undergone significant changes. We’ve progressed from checking our email messages in a computer’s Web browser to receiving email notifications on our smartphone. Instant-messaging communication has transitioned from chatting on the desktop application Yahoo Messenger to conversing with family and friends in WhatsApp groups. Social-media apps on smartphones have transformed to become instantaneous broadcasts of our life experiences. Marking an important paradigm shift, technology has influenced every aspect of our communications, from shopping to education to gaming.

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The Power of Textual Content in UX Design

, UXmatters

By Shalini Samuel

Digital experiences get better through user-centric design. Among the various elements that contribute to a seamless user experience, do not underestimate the role of textual content. When you use text strategically, it can improve the brand value of a product, Web site, or application whether by guiding users, conveying information, or establishing a meaningful connection with customers.

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How Web-Site Design and Social Media Work Together

, UXmatters

By Val Razo

While social media has taken center stage in terms of marketing priorities today, every successful business knows that Web-site design and social-media marketing should work in concert. Building a brand is all about consistency—so it’s important for a business’s Web-site design to align with its social-media content and vice versa. Otherwise, the business might confuse its audience and, thus, have difficulty building a loyal customer base.

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Zuko Form Builder: Build Forms with High Conversion Rates

, UX Movement

80% of users have abandoned an online form after beginning to fill it out (source). Chances are you’re losing more users on your form than you know. The only way to turn this around is to build a form that delivers a smooth and easy user experience. That’s where Zuko Form Builder can help. Data-Driven […]

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How to Make Users Fill Out the Longest 13 Field Form

, UX Movement

Many websites attract users to their home page but lose them on the form. Low conversation rates occur when there are too many fields to fill out. Users don’t want to spend that much time and effort without getting an equal exchange in value. Most companies need to get the necessary information from users, so […]

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Dos and Don’ts for Form Input and Selection

, UX Movement

Imagine having a book that helps you design an excellent UX for form input and selection. This book would comprehensively list all the dos and don’ts you should follow for every form component. You’ll never have trouble solving a design problem on your forms again. That’s what this book, “Dos and Don’ts for Form Input […]

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UX News